Well two actually. Prior to the Prize Giving in the autumn
efforts were made to identify and locate club trophies. This was largely
successful with records of holders of the recent past and the current holders
now being on file. The main starting point for any trophy search is “A Century
of Sail” by John McMillan –the club’s centenary record. I am reliably informed
that the original research about trophies for this volume was conducted by Jean
Cheyne, honorary member, former Secretary and still involved in the club.
However we are left with just a few mystery items. As follows
The Lord Brassey Challenge
Trophy. This was
presented in 1904 and it has a long history. What the “Century of Sail” fails to
mention is that it is, to put it politely, of quite a distinctive appearance. I
can vouch that, having had it perched on the top of a unit previously, it is an
acquired taste. It is ugly. On the base is an ink well with, either side, two
large ram’s horns.
The Nigg Cup.
This is probably a cup presented in 1901 and which does not have an inscription.
It is so known because it has been used over a number of decades [but not
recently] for a race between Invergordon and Cromarty / Nigg. This race is to be
re-instituted this year so this another reason to find it.
If you have these trophies or know where they are then you may contact me (John Burgis) in
confidence. An amnesty is in force
efforts were made to identify and locate club trophies. This was largely
successful with records of holders of the recent past and the current holders
now being on file. The main starting point for any trophy search is “A Century
of Sail” by John McMillan –the club’s centenary record. I am reliably informed
that the original research about trophies for this volume was conducted by Jean
Cheyne, honorary member, former Secretary and still involved in the club.
However we are left with just a few mystery items. As follows
The Lord Brassey Challenge
Trophy. This was
presented in 1904 and it has a long history. What the “Century of Sail” fails to
mention is that it is, to put it politely, of quite a distinctive appearance. I
can vouch that, having had it perched on the top of a unit previously, it is an
acquired taste. It is ugly. On the base is an ink well with, either side, two
large ram’s horns.
The Nigg Cup.
This is probably a cup presented in 1901 and which does not have an inscription.
It is so known because it has been used over a number of decades [but not
recently] for a race between Invergordon and Cromarty / Nigg. This race is to be
re-instituted this year so this another reason to find it.
If you have these trophies or know where they are then you may contact me (John Burgis) in
confidence. An amnesty is in force