Is well subscribed but there is still a chance to learn from the
Master – Mic Mac. In any case come and support the club– 17th and 18th
The Second Big Event – The Open Day
It is on 25th May starting at 10.30. This is an opportunity to spread the word that sailing is
an exciting sport and that the best place to start is Invergordon Boating Club.
Come along and “Meet and Greet” [no not that kind of greet], Cater, Give Taster
Sessions and generally make our guests welcome.
You can help publicise it by posting posters [see below] and telling
colleagues and friends. A new venture is for us to set up a display at Morrisons the day before [24th
between 1000 and 1600] to sell ourselves to the shoppers. We should have a Bug
dinghy there with other publicity materials. Can you turn up for a couple of hours to represent the club?